Next comes the science report. No whale reports yet today, but the whale phone got a report of calls at midnight at the lime kiln hydrophones (2 hours south). Also, if we don’t see whales, it would be great to explode some lightbulbs underwater near the lighthouse to try to calibrate the hydrophones and practice using our software to localize the sounds.
Finally comes the Navigation report, the current is running south until noon, then switches and heads north. No winds expected, so we’ll be motoring all day.
What’s the plan that you and the group decide to do?
Stop at Roche to fill water, then make another decision if we get any new info
head south, we’ll conserve water today and follow the currents. Then if we don’t see whales we can still do the calibration.
head north, we’ll conserve water today and check for whales near east point. Probably won’t get to the calibrations