You get to the lighthouse about 11 am. But hark! Off in the distance you spy the coast guard vessel. They’re hanging out outside the lighthouse. Captain Todd shuts off the engines so you can drift to the lighthouse and finish setting up your experiment. Just as Jason starts explaining the days activity, you stop to watch as the coast guard launches their dinghy and it speeds at some fast speed that surely gave them adrenaline rushes…. right towards you!!! They pull up behind us, announce themselves and say “avast, prepare to be boarded!” You’re unsure why today’s coast guard uses pirate vernacular, but they’re carrying pistols, so you don’t mess with them. After thoroughly searching the boat for all manner of safety devices (including questioning the quality of the horseshoe life preserver), they disembark. Unfortunately, they’ve wasted 2 hours of your day. It’s now 1:00.