Class 102 home: 2010 fall

Research theme: Acoustic exploration of orcas and their environment
Dates: Sunday August 22 through Saturday October 30, 2010 (10 weeks)


Hana Kazunas, Carleton College
Killer whale echolocation click rates during various behavioral states and ambient noise levels
5 Qs | Proposal | Paper | Talk | Blogbook
Megan Stoltzfus, University of Hawaii
Comparing vocalizations between matrilines of southern resident killer whale
5 Qs | Proposal | Paper | Talk | Blogbook
David Cade, Brown and Stanford Universities
Do killer whales use pulsed calls as a communication system? Differentiating calls based on characteristic frequencies and harmonics
5 Qs | Proposal | Paper | Talk | Blogbook
Cat Peters, University of Manchester
Energetic cost of behaviour in Ornicus orca: a non-invasive acoustic study
5 Qs | Proposal | Paper | Talk | Blogbook
Vanessa Victoria, University of North Carolina, Wilmington
Acoustic measurement of the leadership role of southern resident matriarchs
5 Qs | Proposal | Paper | Talk | Blogbook
Garrett Turner, University of Washington
Changes in the frequency structure of echolocation clicks across behavioral states in southern resident killer whale
5 Qs | Proposal | Paper | Talk | Blogbook


Dr. Jason Wood Bio | Blogbook
Dr. Val Veirs Bio | Blogbook
Cpt. Todd Shuster Bio | Blogbook
Dr. Scott Veirs Bio | Blogbook