Beam Reach: 061 general resources and references
Marine environmental issues
Orca overviews
Scientific papers, reports, and theses
Acoustics: General
Acoustics: Software packages
Acoustics: Equipment and hardware
- T-POD (Chelonia Ltd, Long Rock, UK): static passive acoustic monitoring
device with self-contained submersible data-logger commonly used to record
porpoises and dolphins and to inform environmental impact studies (EIS) of
offshore wind farms.
Local interest groups
- San Juan County Marine Resource Committee, Friday Harbor, WA, USA
- The Whale Museum, Friday Harbor, WA, USA
- The Center for Whale Research, San Juan Island, WA, USA
- Orca Network (Sightings email and archives) |
(Beam Reach mirror of sighting archives)
- Whale Watch Operators Association Northwest
- Orca Relief, San Juan Island, WA, USA
- Cascadia Research Collective, Olympia, WA, USA
- BC Sighting Network
- Johnstone Strait Killer Whale Interpretive Centre Society, Telegraph Cove, BC, Canada
- Friends of the San Juans, Friday Harbor, WA, USA
- American Cetacean Society, Puget Sound Chapter, Seattle, WA, USA
- Long Live the Kings, Orcas Island and Seattle, WA, USA
General whale references
Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)
Tides and currents
- Xtide Harmonic tide clock and tide predictor (Unix, MacOSX)
Sustainability and service project
- San Juan County Renewable Energy Producers Cooperative. Contact Sandy Bishop on Lopez, Kyle Davies on San Juan, or
Eric Youngren on Orcas or for more info.
FHL, Friday Harbor, and San Juan County