BR: Whale research resources
Whale speaker list
AAAS session on "What Cousteau never knew about whales"
(via Catherine):
Christopher Clark (Cornell): Long distance blue whale calls
Roger Payne (Ocean Alliance): Sperm whales inform global pollution
Craig Smith (U Hawaii): Whale falls in the deep sea
Steve Palumbi (Stanford): Whale history from DNA
Whale research threads
Preliminary Draft Conservation Plan (March 14, 2005)
Canada Draft Recovery Strategy (March 16, 2005)
Eric, stats, and DNA modeling
Palumbi's whale genetics Nature paper
Follow-on Nature letters
BC Sighting Network
local archives
NOAA/PMEL acoustics primer
OVAL sound basics
Wave tutorial
Local non-profits
The Whale Museum
, Friday Harbor, WA, USA
Johnstone Strait Killer Whale Interpretive Centre Society
, Telegraph Cove, BC, Canada
Crum refs re Pilot whales and acoustic bubble formation
Denardo et al, 2001
Mellinger's Acoustic Assessment Workshop Report
Stafford: Blue whales in N Pacific (2001)
orca research directory