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Pop-Down Menu

Track Pop-Down Menu
Edit the name of the track

Move Track Up or Down in the display

Traditional display of audio material. It displays the amplitude of the audio over time. This is the default display mode.
Like Waveform, but logarithmic instead of linear vertical units . It displays the amplitude in dB of the audio over time.
Displays the frequency spectrum of the audio over time.
Tries to detect the pitch of the current audio and displays that information over time.

Set playback of this single channel track on the left and right channels.
Set playback of this single channel track on the left channel.
Set playback of single channel track on the right channel.
The selected track and that beneath it is turned in to one stereo track.
Turn one stereo track in to two single channel tracks.

Pick the sample format for this track. The result is that all newly written data is written in this format, no matter what format the original material was in. Newly written data can be produced by effects and generator plugins for example.

Set the sample rate of this track. Upon import, the track sample rate is set to that of the imported material. On playback or exporting the audio will be re-sampled to the project rate on the fly. This option can be useful to change the speed and pitch of audio, or if the sample rate of the source was wrong.

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