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Generate Menu

Inserts silence. The length is determined by the length of your selection and the position by the left boundary of your selection.

If no selection is made, the default length inserted at the cursor position is 30 seconds.

For example, to insert a two seconds of silence at a certain point, place the cursor at your chosen spot, hold the SHIFT key down, click and drag your mouse to the right to mark roughly two seconds, release the mouse button and activate the Silence function in the Generate menu. Silence, the length of your selection, will be inserted at the left boundary of your selection.

Inserts a wave of chosen type, frequency and amplitude. The length is determined by the length of your selection and the position by the left boundary of your selection.

If no selection is made, the default length inserted at the cursor position is 30 seconds.


Waveform Sine, Square, Sawtooth
Frequency(Hz) 1-20000 (value below 1.0 and above 20000 will be corrected to 1.0 and 20000!)
Amplitude 0-1 - This is the volume of the generated wave.

Inserts white noise. The length is determined by the length of your selection and the position by the left boundary of your selection.

If no selection is made, the default length inserted at the cursor position is 30 seconds.

Inserts a synthesized pluck tone. The length is determined by the length of your selection and the position by the left boundary of your selection.

If no selection is made, the default length inserted at the cursor position is one second.

Pitch 0-127
The number corresponds to the value of a midi note, which is assigned to a pitch. The higher the number, the higher the note.

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