Tools and resources for Beam Reach alumni networking and reminiscing.
Alumni news and networking opportunities:
- Announcements of jobs and further study
- Alumni News in the Beam Reach blog
- Google plus page
- Face book page
- Facebook groups: fall 2006 | fall 2005 | fall 2007
- Email listserves — a way to contact all members of a particular class: fall 2005 | fall 2006 | fall 2007 | spring 2008 | spring 2009 | spring 2010 | fall 2010 | spring 2011 | fall 2011 | spring 2012
Ways to help spread the word about Beam Reach
- Blog about your experience at Beam Reach and afterwards (categorize it as alumni news?)
- Give a talk about Beam Reach and your experience [Templates for presentations:
PPT | ODP | PDF | GoogleDoc] - Contribute to or sign a friend up for the e-newsletter