Class 051 home: fall 2005
Research theme: Acoustic exploration of orcas and their environment
Dates: August 21 to October 30, 2005 (10 weeks)
PugetSoundscape (interactive Google map of underwater sounds) HTML version (10/29/05) | local Flash version (11/29/05)
Celia Barroso | Killer Whale Vocal Response to Vessel Traffic Paper | Presentation | Blogbook |
Brett Becker | Mapping the Southern Residents’ Acoustic Habitat Paper | Presentation | Blogbook |
Laura Christoferson | Diurnal Acoustic Activity of Southern Resident Killer Whales in the Salish Sea Paper | Presentation | Blogbook |
Courtney Kneipp | Killer Whale Calf Vocalization Development: Understanding Cultural Transmission Through Acoustics Paper | Presentation | Blogbook |
Nicole Lee | Correlation between vocalization and breaching Paper | Presentation | Blogbook |
Wilfredo Santiago | Echolocation and strategy used by Southern Resident Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) during foraging Paper | Presentation | Blogbook |
Visiting scientists:
Rachael Griffin’s blogbook
Rachael’s photos I: Students aboard M3 vessel with Rachael
Rachael’s photos II: Rachael sails with Beam Reach for 1 week
Dr. Val Veirs | Bio | Blogbook |
Cpt. Todd Shuster | Bio | Blogbook |
Dr. Scott Veirs | Bio | Blogbook |