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== Helpful links ==
== Helpful links ==
*Rodney Rountree's fishecology.org sound pages: [http://www.fishecology.org/soniferous/justsounds.htm sound samples] | [http://www.fishecology.org/soniferous/soniferous.htm soniferous fish background]
*Rodney Rountree's fishecology.org sound pages: [http://www.fishecology.org/soniferous/justsounds.htm sound samples] | [http://www.fishecology.org/soniferous/soniferous.htm soniferous fish background] | [http://www.fishecology.org/soniferous/Passive%20acoustic%20links.htm his bookmarks] (''lots'' more links)
*East Carolina U collection: [http://www.personal.ecu.edu/spraguem/drumming.html sound samples and literature]
*East Carolina U collection: [http://www.personal.ecu.edu/spraguem/drumming.html intro and literature] | [http://core.ecu.edu/BIOL/luczkovichj/fishsounds/fish_sounds.htm sound gallery] (with photos of species)
*Historic Naval recordings: [http://www.hnsa.org/sound/index.htm#soundinthesea Sound in the Sea archive] (drum fish, croaker, snapping shrimp, garibaldi)
== Relevant literature ==
== Relevant literature ==

Latest revision as of 12:12, 11 May 2012

A place to think collectively about the potential sources of biological sounds heard on the Salish Sea hydrophone network.

Soniferous Fish of the Pacific Northwest

Let's try to build a list by cross-referencing web and peer-reviewed literature with lists of species that are common to the Salish Sea and vicinity. Some of the mystery sounds and suspected-fish sounds are archived (and playable via Flash) in the Salish Sea sound tutor.

Then we can rank it by potential soniferous-ness (most-likely to be heard on the hydrophone network is first on page):


Some males emit sound to attract gravid females. The hum is centered on 100Hz. Also known as California singing fish or canary bird fish.


I've read somewhere that folks hear them munching on stuff (coral?).

Helpful links

Relevant literature

Fish and Mowbray (1970) list 208 species of soniferous fishes common to the Northwestern Atlantic, including groupers, cods, catfish, snappers, jacks, drums, grunts, porgies, damselfishes, parrotfishes, mackerels, tunas, searobins, eels, and mullets.

Is there a comparable reference for the Northeast Pacific?