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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
01:01, 23 October 2007 Close dorsal.jpg (file) 4 KB Scott   1
01:01, 23 October 2007 Close dorsal 125px.jpg (file) 4 KB Scott   1
01:11, 23 October 2007 Scott rachael-square.jpg (file) 4 KB Tracy   1
14:38, 12 June 2008 Raw-data-sheet-bearings.jpg (file) 771 KB Scott Scott's page of bearing notes 2
14:50, 12 June 2008 Raw-data-sheet-sketch.jpg (file) 692 KB Scott Notes from other observers, including Shannon on the bow and a sketch by Tim (probably)... 1
14:59, 12 June 2008 Logbook-including-2007Sep01.jpg (file) 3.08 MB Scott Science logbook page that includes September 01, 2007. 1
10:11, 7 October 2008 IMO-memo.pdf (file) 446 KB Scott June 25, 2008, proposal from the U.S. that ocean noise mitigation be on the agenda of Marine Environment Protection Committee within the International Marine Organization 1
12:25, 7 October 2008 Hamburg.pdf (file) 1.01 MB Scott April 21-24, 2008 "International Workshop on Shipping Noise and Marine Mammals" 1
12:51, 7 October 2008 2004NoiseReport.pdf (file) 1.03 MB Scott   1
14:51, 7 October 2008 Houston05outreach.pdf (file) 82 KB Scott 2005 Outreach Event Large Vessel Acoustics Outreach/Information Exchange 1
14:54, 7 October 2008 Wittekind-cost-benefit-07.pdf (file) 1.68 MB Scott Industry perspective on cost/benefit of quieting technologies for commercial ships. 1
10:44, 10 October 2008 Hildebrand+06.pdf (file) 3.35 MB Scott Whale watch ambient noise in Haro Strait 1
13:55, 14 October 2008 2008-WSF-Noise-Survey.pdf (file) 1.37 MB Scott Air- and water-borne noise survey of existing fleet and estimates of source levels of replacements. 1
11:27, 19 October 2008 ScottHale src gf06.pdf (file) 772 KB Scott   1
09:15, 20 October 2008 Rena dorsal.jpg (file) 1.48 MB Scott   1
14:54, 21 October 2008 IMO-issue.pdf (file) 207 KB Scott Memo that identifies the issues surrounding shipping noise and marine mammals 1
14:58, 21 October 2008 2008-ship-noise-symposium-report-draft.pdf (file) 1.83 MB Scott   1
15:55, 3 November 2008 Siemens-diesel-electric-hybrid.pdf (file) 1.07 MB Scott   1
13:17, 3 December 2008 Naiad-explore-spectra-SPL.jpg (file) 31 KB Scott Spectrum levels and mean source levels for different speeds based on measurements made at 34-60m ranges, 33m depth, from 0-15kHz. 1
16:55, 3 December 2008 C54xr-266-freq-resp-log-100db-lg.jpg (file) 366 KB Scott Frequency response of a C54XRS generated by Joe Olson at the Keyport calibration facility. 1
15:22, 15 January 2009 Griffin+bain06.pdf (file) 912 KB Scott Sound Exposure of Southern Resident Killer Whales Rachael M. Griffin and David E. Bain February 2006 1
15:13, 22 January 2009 JAS00EL27.pdf (file) 246 KB Scott Southern Resident killer whales raise the source levels of their S1 calls about 1dB for every increase in ambient noise of 1dB. The ambient noise level is correlated to the number of vessels within 1km of the monitoring hydrophone. 1
14:28, 16 February 2009 Psgb-prey-field-poster.pdf (file) 3.59 MB Scott   1
16:11, 5 March 2009 InteroceanSystems902 4122082.png (file) 51 KB Scott Keyport calibration of Interoceans 902 by Joe Olson 1
13:14, 11 March 2009 Cape Disappointment Pile Driving Report Final 3-06revised .pdf (file) 4.32 MB Scott Underwater and in-air sound pressure levels recorded during pile driving at mouth of the Columbia River, WA 1
22:59, 21 May 2009 AsaPortlandtalk.pdf (file) 6.89 MB WikiSysop   1
16:27, 10 June 2009 2007 2008 Progress report.pdf (file) 2.04 MB WikiSysop   1
04:17, 7 August 2009 LK-bathy.png (file) 534 KB Scott   1
16:35, 12 August 2009 Labcore40.png (file) 505 KB Scott Response curve of one of Marla Holt's LabCore40 hydrophones. Calibration conducted by Joe Olson at the Keyport, WA, facility. 1
02:53, 25 August 2009 2514-S2.SL.pdf (file) 16 KB Scott   1
03:12, 25 August 2009 74FR37674.pdf (file) 272 KB Scott   1
16:17, 16 September 2009 Assessment.pdf (file) 46 KB Scott Archived from: 1
16:33, 16 September 2009 Picture 21.png (file) 104 KB Scott Abstract archived from Acoustical Society of America 2006 meeting program, 06/08/2006. Also at 1
16:57, 16 September 2009 Press Release SONAR Recorded.pdf (file) 26 KB Scott Press release from The Whale Museum with receive levels and estimated source levels. 1
17:08, 16 September 2009 HRC DEIS Revision 1 letter and replacement pages.pdf (file) 271 KB Scott Pacific Fleet DEIS revision letter 1
05:46, 23 October 2009 Naxys-023-072-EHYD-specsheet.pdf (file) 346 KB Scott Digital ethernet hydrophone, probably ~$10k, but no quote sought yet (fall 2009) 1
06:01, 23 October 2009 PDF-700021000-003-B.pdf (file) 2.23 MB Scott Official spec sheet from Naxys web site, archived Oct 22, 2009 from 1
04:02, 26 March 2010 2008 2009 Progress report-3.pdf (file) 2.78 MB Scott Salish Sea Hydrophone Network progress report for 2009 activities 1
16:01, 28 June 2010 ResonTC4032specs.pdf (file) 526 KB Scott Spec sheet for Reson TC4032 hydrophone 1
16:05, 28 June 2010 ResonTC4032-response-curve.png (file) 443 KB Scott   1
15:06, 15 July 2010 Veirs+Veirs WindTideReport.pdf (file) 1.66 MB Scott   1
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