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Audio I/O


This panel sets the default sample rate and bit depth for new projects. It does not affect any existing project - to change the sample rate of an existing project, just click on the rate at the bottom of the window and select a new rate from the pop-up menu.

The bit depth affects imported material, if it's copied, as well as newly recorded material. The advantage of the 32-bit float resolution is that effects return material at a this resolution, which improves the final mix, because the computer has more precise material to work with. If you aren't doing any processing then you may want to save some space by setting this to 16 bit, if your hardware supports this.

File Formats


You can view any audio track as a Spectrogram instead of a Waveform by selecting one of the Spectral views from the track's pop-up menu. This dialog lets you adjust some of the settings for these spectrograms.


Use this panel to set the location of Audacity's temporary directory. Audacity uses this directory whenever you work on a project that you haven't saved as an Audacity Project (AUP file) yet. You have to restart Audacity (close and open it again) for changes to the temporary directory to take effect.
This directory can contain a lot of files and is used a lot, so choose a disk with plenty of free space to put it on. Never put it on a network drive.



Head over to this page for step-by-step description of the dialog and how to edit the command/keyboard combination list with a text editor.

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