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The Audacity manual was written by Anthony Oetzmann, with major contributions by Dominic Mazzoni.

Anthony Oetzmann is the primary documentation writer for Audacity. He wrote most of the manual you are reading now, and has also influenced the program design significantly. He is a professional audio engineer who lives and works in Germany.

Dominic Mazzoni is the Audacity project leader and Audacity's primary programmer. He began the project while a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA. He is currently a research programmer at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA.

The Audacity logo was designed by Harvey Lubin of Agrapha.

For a list of all of the people who contributed to Audacity, and for up-to-date contact information for Tony, Dominic, and other contributors, please visit our website at: