// This macro demonstrates the use of the setFont(), drawString() // and setColor() functions. requires("1.33j"); // setFont() added in 1.33j run("New...", "name=temp type=RGB fill=White width=400 height=200 slices=1"); setColor(0, 0, 0); x=10; y=20; drawString("This is the default font.", x, y); setFont("SansSerif", 9); y += 20; drawString("This is 9-point, 'SansSerif'", x, y); setFont("Monospaced", 12); y += 20; drawString("This is 12-point, 'Monospaced'", x, y); setFont("Serif", 18); y += 30; drawString("This is 18-point, 'Serif'", x, y); setFont("SansSerif", 20, "bold"); y += 30; drawString("This is 20-point, 'SansSerif', bold", x, y); setFont("SansSerif" , 24, "italic"); y += 30; setColor(0, 0, 255); drawString("24-point, 'SansSerif', italic", x, y); setFont("SansSerif" , 28); y += 35; setColor(255, 0, 0); drawString("28-point, 'SansSerif'", x, y);