// These macros are automatically installed in the Plugins>Macros submenu // when ImageJ starts as long as the name of this file is StartupMacros.txt // and it is located in a folder named macros inside the ImageJ folder. macro 'Invert' { run("Invert"); } macro 'Find Edges' { run("Find Edges"); } macro 'Threshold' { run("Threshold"); } macro 'Add Noise' { run("Add Noise"); } macro '-' {} // menu divider macro 'Measure And Label' { // run "Measure and Label" plugin run("Measure And Label"); } macro 'Fluorescent Cells' { run("Fluorescent Cells (58K)"); } macro 'Float Image' { run("New...", "name=Float type='32-bit Real' fill=Ramp width=400 height=400"); }