// Creates a new image using the formula w3 =abs(w1-w2)/(w1+w2), // where w1 is assumed to be the first image opend and w2 is the // second. Requires that exactly two images be open. requires("1.31d"); if (nImages!=2) exit("This macro requires exactly two open images"); selectImage(1); w1 = getTitle(); selectImage(2); w2 = getTitle(); run("Image Calculator...", "image1="+w1+" operation=Add image2="+w2+" create 32-bit"); run("Rename...", "title=Sum"); run("Image Calculator...", "image1="+w1+" operation=Subtract image2="+w2+" create 32-bit"); selectWindow("Result of "+w1); run("Rename...", "title=Difference"); run("Image Calculator...", "image1=Difference operation=Divide image2=Sum "); selectWindow("Difference"); run("Rename...", "title=Ratio"); selectWindow("Sum"); run("Close"); selectWindow("Ratio"); run("Abs"); // requires ImageJ 1.31v or later