// Demonstrates frequency domain convolution and deconvolution // Note that the deblurred image will have high frequency artifacts // caused by floating point bugs unless Java 1.4.1 or later is used. requires("1.31e"); run("Bridge (174K)"); run("New...", "name=PSF type=8-bit fill=Black width=512 height=512"); makeOval(241, 241, 30, 30); setForegroundColor(255, 255, 255); run("Fill"); run("Select None"); run("Gaussian Blur...", "radius=15"); run("FD Math...", "image1=bridge.gif operation=Convolve image2=PSF result=Blurred do"); run("FD Math...", "image1=Blurred operation=Deconvolve image2=PSF result=Deblurred do");