These files contain ImageJ macros. You open a macro file using File->Open and run it using editor's File->Run Macro command (ctrl-R). You can also open macro files by dragging and dropping them on the ImageJ icon (Macintosh) or on the main ImageJ window (Windows). You can run a small piece of macro code by selecting it and typing ctrl-R. Some of the files (e.g., MacroSet.txt) contain macro commands that get installed in the editor's "Macros" menu. Macros can also be installed in the Plugins>Macros submenu using the Plugins>Macros>Install Macros command. Macros in a file named "StartupMacros.txt" are automatically installed in the Plugins>Macros submenu when ImageJ starts up. The tools folder contains tool macros that are added to ImageJ's tool bar when you open the macro file. Note that macro keyboard shortcuts only work when an image window or the ImageJ window has focus. The file is a compressed ZIP archive containing all the macros in this folder.