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Model T-902 Hydrophone

The T-902 Hydrophone is an omnidirectional, broadband, low noise transducer. The two wire hydrophone contains its own preamp for long cable driving capabilities. The T-902 has a wide range of applications including underwater source measurements, broadband ship profiling measurements and marine biological activity monitoring.

The T-902 is used with the Model 902 Acoustic Listening and Calibration System.

Dimensions: 3.2 cm (1.25 in) dia. X 8.9 cm (3.5 in) length
Weight: 7 gms (0.25 oz), less cable
Operating Depth: 100 m
Temperature Range: 0 to +50 deg C
Construction: Neoprene Encapsulation
Receiving Sensitivity: -170 dB re 1 Volt/uPa
Frequency Range: 20 Hz to 10 kHz
Directivity: Horizontal - Omnidirectional
Vertical - Omnidirectional
Load: 100 ohm or greater
Power Requirement: +8 to +15 VDC, 1.5ma max @ 9 VDC
Cable Length: 15 meters (Standard) or more
Cable Type: 2 conductor shielded

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InterOcean systems, inc.
4241 Ponderosa Avenue, Suite A, San Diego, CA 92123-6501 Phone: (858) 565-8400 Fax: (858) 268-9695