MGD-2000 Formats: GRD98



Dan R. Metzger

National Geophysical Data Center
Boulder, Colorado
February 1998

INTRODUCTION                   I


THE HEADER                     III

THE DATA                       IV



     During 1998 the Marine Geology & Geophysics Division of the
National Geophysical Data Center undertook an innovative and
exciting project. The NGDC Coastal Relief Model Project involves
gridding the hydrographic survey data compiled by the National
Ocean Service for US waters and, after combining this with US
Geological Survey land topography grids, creating a series of 1
degree grids at a 3 arc-second resolution in US coastal areas.
Thus a high-quality, high-resolution set of grids covering the
U.S land/sea coastal zone have become available for the first
time, allowing detailed study of this important area. This data
is available on CD/DVD sets with NGDC's GEODAS (GEophysical DAta
System) software which contains functionality for combining,
translating and sub-sampling the grids, as well as for creating
and viewing screen plots of the grid data.
     During this project a format for storing the grids was
naturally developed. It was decided, for space, speed and
simplicity to save the grids in a very utilitarian, no-nonsense
format, which became known as GRD98. This format is part of the
MGD-2000 (Marine Geophysical Data 2000) formats, a series of Year
2000 Compliant formats which also includes MGD77 (Marine
Geophysical Data Exchange Format), HYD93 (Hydrographic Surveys
Data Exchange Format) and ARO88 (Aeromagnetic Survey Header


     The GRD98 Format, is a digital format for the storage of
gridded data. Though developed for bathymetric/topographic data,
the format can handle virtually any type of gridded data. It is
very utilitarian format and contains no documentation about the
grids (such as information about references, methods and datums
used, etc.). Rather GRD98 formatted files only contain grid-
structure information followed by the grid cell data values.
     GRD98 formatted files consist of header information followed
by a series of grid cell data values. The files contain binary
data only. The Header values are 4-byte signed integers which
describe the structure, size and extent of the grid cell values
that follow. The grid cells themselves can be 1-byte signed
integer, 2-byte signed  integer, 4-byte signed integer or 4-byte
floating point values.
     The grids described by GRD98 are node based. See IV. THE
DATA below for more information.
     The GRD98 format can be used for the exchange of grid data,
using virtually any media type.  The National Geophysical Data
Center uses CD/DVD disks as its chief method of distribution of
these data.


     The purpose of the Header  is to enumerate the structure,
size and extent of the grid cell values which follow it.

     The GRD98 Header is 128 bytes in length and consists of 32
binary signed 4-byte integers.

     In descriptions below, "original data values" refers to the
data used to construct the grid.

     Grid-Radius is a method for qualifying the data in grids.
Simply put, if a grid-radius of n cells is applied to a grid,
this means that any cells for which the nearest original data
value is more than n cells distant will be filled with the Empty
Grid Cell value. If grid-radius is not applied to a grid, all the
cells in the grid will contain values, no matter how far away the
nearest original data was.

     The upper-left corner is the origin of the grid. The grid
progresses row by row, top to bottom until the last row, with no
special terminating data. Within each row the grid progresses
column by column, left to right.

     The following is a detailed description of the Header fields

Name of Field                  Description

                    1,000,000,001 = version 1

                    Length of the Header in bytes (128)
Data Type
                    Describes what the cell values represent.
                    1 = Data, e.g. interpolated depths
                    2 = Data Density - density values for each cell,
                        (number of original data values falling in
                        the cell, as centered on cell node)
                    3 - Grid-Radius - grid-radius values for each cell,
                        (distance, in units of cells, to closest
                        original data point)

Latitude Degrees
                    Degrees portion of uppermost cell's latitude

Latitude Minutes
                    Minutes portion of uppermost cell's latitude

Latitude Seconds
                    Seconds portion of uppermost cell's latitude

Latitude Cell Size
                    Latitudinal size (height) of each cell in
                    seconds (i.e. distance in seconds between

Latitude Number of Cells
                    Number of rows in grid

Longitude Degrees
                    Degrees portion of leftmost cell's longitude

Longitude Minutes
                    Minutes portion of leftmost cell's longitude

Longitude Seconds
                    Seconds portion of leftmost cell's longitude

Longitude Cell Size
                    Longitudinal size (width) of each cell in
                    seconds (i.e. distance in seconds between

Longitude Number of Cells
                    Number columns in grid

Minimum Value
                    Minimum value of all cells in grid, excluding
                    empty grid cells. Per precision, i.e. based
                    on actual numbers found in cells.  E.g.  if
                    the lowest cell value found is -123 and
                    precision is 10ths of meters (-12.3 meters)
                    the Minimum Value is -123

Maximum Value
                    Maximum value of all cells in grid, excluding
                    empty grid cells. Per precision (see above)

Grid Radius
                    The Grid-Radius which was applied to the grid. 
                    When a Grid-Radius of n is applied this means 
                    that only cells which are within n cells of 
                    actual data will be filled with data values.
                    Cells for which real data is more than n cells 
                    away will be given the Empty Grid Cell Value. 
                    If the Grid-Radius equals -1 then Grid-Radius 
                    was not applied.

                    Precision of the cell data values.
                    1 = whole units
                    10 = tenths of units

Empty Grid Cell Value
                    Value placed in a cell with no data (e.g.
                    grid-radius was applied to a Data Grid). For
                    Density Grids or Grid-Radius Grids, land (as
                    opposed to water) cells would contain this
                    value if density and grid-radius were not
                    calculated for land cells.

Number Type
                    Byte size of cell data values, positive =
                    integers, negative = floats 
                    (e.g. +2 = 2-byte integers)

Water Datum
                    The vertical datum used for non-land cell depths.
                    Local datums could be used for inland lakes, with
                    land values tied to mean sea level.  Using local 
                    water datums means that water shore values will be
                    zero. Using MSL for water means that water shore 
                    values will match up with land shore values.
                    0 = Mean Sea Level
                    1 = Local Vertical Datum used for depths.

Data Value Limit
                    This is the maximum possible value for cell data. 
                    This is used when there is a limit to the 
                    calculated values, e.g. to keep values within 
                    a the range of Number Type. Cell values containing 
                    this number mean that the value is this large or 
                    larger.  0 = not applied

Cell Registration
                   Gridline-registered = 0
                   Pixel-registered (cell centered) = 1
                   e.g. a 1 min cell size grid with upper-left
                   lat/lon = 60 deg 0 min 0 sec / 45 deg 0 min 0 deg
                   Gridline-registered: 1st value at 60 0 0 / 45 0 0
                   Pixel-registered: 1st value at 59 59 30 / 45 0 30

Unused (10 fields)
                    Unused field; set to zero. Repeat 10 times


The GRD98 Header is followed immediately by the grid cell data
values. The cells progress in a row by row manner, starting with
the topmost (northernmost) row and continuing downward to the
bottommost row. Within each row the cells progress column by
column from leftmost (westernmost) to rightmost. The exact
structure, size and extent of the data values themselves are
described by the Header.

What the data values actually represent depends on the Grid Type
as enumerated in the Header Version. Generally the GRD98 format
is used for Data Grids, but it can also be used to describe
Density Grids  and Grid-Radius Grids (see Version in III THE
HEADER above for details).

GRD98 formatted grids are node based. The lat/lon position for a
specific grid data value represents the center of a grid "cell"
which extends half the grid-cell-size in 4 directions. The data
value corresponds to this exact position (NOT to a position a
half cell horizontal and a half cell vertical away). These
positions are set up so that they will match up with exact
latitude (and longitude) whole-degree values as they progress
across the rows ( or columns). For example, a grid whose upper
left corner was at 0 degrees latitude, 0 degrees longitude would
have as it's first grid cell a lat/lon position at exactly 0,0.
If this grid had an extent of 1 degree by 1 degree, and latitude
and longitude cell sizes of 60 and 60 (seconds), the grid would
be 61 rows by 61 columns.

The data values are one of the following number types (as
described in the Header):
     1-byte signed integer
     2-byte signed integer
     4-byte signed integer
     4-byte floating point

The data values must be interpreted as per the Precision
enumerated in the Header. For example if a data cell value is an
integer number equal to 12345 and the precision in the Header
equals 10 (tenths of units), then 1234.5 is the actual real-world
value for that cell. For floating point grids the data values do
not depend on the Precision; the value found is the actual real-
world value as is.

Where the grid cell is meant to contain "no data", the data value
for that cell will be the Empty Grid Cell Value as enumerated in
the Header. This can occur when Grid-Radius was applied to the
grid in order to keep out data values which are too far away from
original (real) data. For Density Grids and Grid-Radius Grids,
(see III THE HEADER above) this Empty Grid Cell Value could
correspond to "land" positions, where density or grid-radius
values were not calculated.

Dan R. Metzger: (303) 497-6542
David L. Divins (303) 497-6505
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80305-3328

FAX (303) 497-6513
