April 2001 Whale Sightings

Sunday, April 29, 2001 10:00
Reported by: Rich Osborne, The Whale Museum
Location: west side of San Juan Island
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Direction: south
Comments: Hi Susan & mail list: We had J-Pod going south this morning- at about 10:15, Sunday April, 29th, 2000. Very nasty wind/rain storm in Haro Strait- first we all heard them on the SeaSound hydrophones, and then Dave Ellifrit got some positive identifications from the porch at the Center for Whale Research. --rich

Saturday, April 28, 2001 20:00
Reported by: Peggy Sullivan/PC Cable
Location: Saratoga Passage
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Direction: south-east
Comments: One large mottled gray heading slowly south-east toward Langley, near the shore @ 8pm from Bell's Beach. Peggy Sullivan

Saturday, April 28, 2001 17:00
Reported by: Peggy Sullivan/PC Cable
Location: Langley, Whidbey Island
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Direction: north
Comments: April 29th We were in Langley (Whidbey Island) for dinner about 5 and saw a gray heading up the island... Peg&PC

Saturday, April 28, 2001 16:00
Reported by: Louise Salmin
Location: Saratoga Passage
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Direction: northwest
Comments: Aloha Susan, Well, there is one, lonely, gray whale out in the Saratoga Passage, headed northwestish. Its about 4:15 pm, Saturday afternoon. Louise Salmin

Saturday, April 28, 2001 12:00
Reported by: Tom McMillen
Location: Victoria, B.C, Canada
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Comments: Susan, We saw a Gray today between D'Arcy Is. and James Is. between Sidney and Victoria. Just as I was leaving it showed its Fluke and the Whale is not either one of the two that were here most of last summer. I will try and get a good I.D. photo in the next few days to put on Orca Cam. Maybe we can keep track of some of these guys. I believe J Pod went back north last night. Dave said they never did come by the center yesterday evening. Probably see them tommorow. Tom

Friday, April 27, 2001 20:00
Reported by: Jim Maya
Location: Henry Island
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Direction: south
Comments: 7-8 Js...7:30 PM at Kellett Bluff, Henry I. (NW tip of San Juan Island) headed south.

Friday, April 27, 2001 18:00
Reported by: Deborah Houseworth
Location: Saratoga Passage
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Direction: north
Comments: Hi Susan! Sal saw three orcas (two adults and one baby) playfully travelling north in Saratoga Passage on Friday evening, the 27th at 6:10 PM. All in all, we have been very blessed with sightings this year. I don't know if they are around more, or if the network is just helping us all to be more aware and more watchful. In any case, it has been wonderful! Deborah Houseworth

Thursday, April 26, 2001 18:00
Reported by: Peggy Sullivan/PC Cable
Location: Saratoga Passage
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Members: 2 grays
Direction: north, then south
Comments: FYI: PC saw a grey "trucking" northbound, close to shore about 6pm @ Bells Beach, (Saratoga Passage, off east Whidbey Island) today. Thanks Peggy Sullivan& PC Cable ............................. And followed by another report of even more grays: Just came in after watching two greys feeding....going south. The whole neighborhood watched from the bluff @ Bell's Beach! (1900-1920 visitation) Peg

Thursday, April 26, 2001 16:00
Reported by: Ron Bates, MMRG
Location: Henry Island
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Direction: north
Comments: Hi Jpod off Kellet Bluff (Henry Island, nw side of San Juan Island) going N at 1600, sea choppy but looked like they were all there. Ron

Thursday, April 26, 2001 16:00
Reported by: Kelley Balcomb-Bartok
Location: West side, San Juan Is.
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Direction: north
Comments: Here's more on J-pod from Kelley Balcomb-Bartok, & an alert to keep a lookout for J32: Dave and I watched several of the J-pod spread out northbound along the west side of San Juan Island this afternoon, and with the wind and sun glare we could only confirm 9-10 of the pod present, but they were spread out over about three miles of coastline. Last seen heading north at ~ 4pm north of the Center. I'll be back on watch and computer tommorrow... Cheers, Kelley Please let everyone know both Dave and I have not confirmed J-32 in several passes by the Center, and we ask any boats and naturalists to get a good look (preferably pictures) of the 5 year-old orphan J-32; hopefully she's hanging with J-22 and her calf J-34. At this point we would like confirmation of reports that "all are present". We have not seen her now in several passes by when conditions have been good! Cross our fingers and hope she's just fine, thanks! Kelley

Wednesday, April 25, 2001 13:00
Reported by: Bart Rulon
Location: Saratoga Passage
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Comments: I also saw one gray whale show its tail flukes, headed north across near Camano Island.

Wednesday, April 25, 2001 12:00
Reported by: Deborah Houseworth
Location: Saratoga Passage
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Direction: north
Comments: And this from my favorite acupuncturist.....luckily she had no appointments while the whales swam by her Langley office ; ) Thank you so much Susan for your phone call. I was very fortunate to have a "no show" at noon, so I ran over to where I could view Sandy Point from Langley, and I could see a few orcas in the distance. I followed them as they entered Saratoga Passage at about 12:15. As I walked along the sidewalk, with a veiw of the water, I became the Langley town cryer, calling all citizens out to view the orcas. Many heeded the call and it was a wonderful shared event, which never would have occurred without your call! As they entered the passage, only two whales stayed on the Langley side. The others headed toward Camano and were soon beyond my ability to see them (I had no binoculars on hand). One of the whales close to Langley was a male and he was traveling extremely fast. He did seem to check in with some kayakers on his way north (lucky folks!). Both whales were out of sight by 12:45 when I headed back inside. Thanks again for making this whale filled day possible!! Deborah
Thanks to all of you for sharing what has been a wonderful, whale-filled day!! And thanks especially to J-pod, for gracing us with their presence on this beautiful day~ Susan

Wednesday, April 25, 2001 12:00
Reported by: Kay Swanson
Location: Langley, Whidbey Island
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Direction: north
Comments: And from Kay Swanson: Susan, I just got back from some kayaking. We saw two Orcas that were out a little ways from Langley. The time was 12:30. They were headed North.

Wednesday, April 25, 2001 12:00
Reported by: Susan Berta
Location: Saratoga Passage
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Direction: north
Comments: Just got a call that a pod of orcas with one male (presumably J pod) is in Saratoga Passage - off Sandy Pt, just south of Langley, east side of Whidbey Island, headed north, at 11:45 a.m. April 25th. A beautiful day to see whales - we're headed out to see if we can find them! Susan

Wednesday, April 25, 2001 11:00
Reported by: Don & Rene Wright
Location: Saratoga Passage
Species: Orca
Pod: Pod N/A
Members: orcas, with new baby
Direction: north
Comments: And a call in from Don & Rene Wright, 2 Beach Watchers who helped put together "Rosie" the Gray Whale skeleton now hanging in the Coupeville Wharf. They were coming to Whidbey one last time before moving to Ireland for a year or so, & not only got to say goodbye to their Beach Watcher friends, but also got a "farewhale" from J -pod, on the 10:30 a.m. ferry. They saw the orcas over near Camano, & saw one of the J-Moms & her baby playing.

Wednesday, April 25, 2001 11:00
Reported by: Bart Rulon
Location: Clinton Ferry Dock
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Direction: north
Comments: And from Bart Rulon: Dear Susan, I spent my morning looking for gray whales on the sw side of Whidbey. Early I only saw 5 dall's porpoise across from Langley. On my last stop I was very surprised to see an orca surface close to shore at Randall Pt. just north of the Clinton ferry dock probably around 10:30 - 11:00am. From there I could see four individuals headed north. I followed them along taking pictures, and saw one cow with calf. Also saw some darting movements at the surface which looked like they were preying on salmon. At Sandy point about 11:45am - Noon a few orcas passed very close to the point. from there some swam close to Langley and others split off towards Camano Island. From the scenic viewpoint on Sully's bluff off Saratoga Rd. I also saw one gray whale show its tail flukes, headed north across near Camano Island. The orcas passed East Point, or Fox Spit around 1:45 - 2:15pm. The big adult male cruised right next to the point for a great view, but most of the others were out at mid channel or near Camano. I'm not sure of the individuals, but the photos should tell the story later. Towards the middle of the day the orcas did some breaching, tail and flipper slapping. A Great Day, Bart Rulon What a great day! susan

Wednesday, April 25, 2001 10:00
Reported by: Pete & Liz Berg
Location: Clinton/Mukilteo Ferry
Species: Orca
Pod: K Pod
Members: 4 orcas
Direction: north
Comments: From Pete & Liz Berg: At 9:45AM there were about four or five orcas going past the Mulilteo ferry dock heading toward Everett. We saw them off the back of the ferry as we were docking in Mukilteo.

Tuesday, April 24, 2001 16:00
Reported by: Ron Bates, MMRG
Location: Victoria, B.C, Canada
Species: Minke
Pod: Pod N/A
Members: 4 Minke Whales
Comments: Hi After leaving the whales at 1600hrs off Partridge Bank we met 4 Minke whales on our way back to Victoria, one at about 1 mile off, 2 at 2 miles and 1 at 4 miles. Ron MMRG

Tuesday, April 24, 2001 15:00
Reported by: Susan Berta
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Members: J1 & J 8 positively ID'd
Direction: north
Comments: First our report: We went out in our kayaks & managed to catch a quick glimpse of J pod going through Saratoga Passage. I saw J-1 & one or two others near Elger Bay off Camano Island at about 3:20, Howie saw them further north, & ID'd J1& J8, & saw one other orca with them. We kept waiting for the rest of them to appear, but never saw them, so they either slipped by or they had split up. We saw several breaches as they traveled north in Saratoga Passage, but couldn't tell which direction they headed after that. We talked to some guys on the beach who said they'd seen orcas off North Beach (north of Greenbank, Whidbey Island) earlier this morning, & yesterday afternoon......but yesterday afternoon they were seen off the west side of the island, so am not sure what to make of that! We came home to a message from John Calambokidis, who was out doing a gray whale survey for Cascadia Research, & also saw orcas off Hat Island at 10:45 am. Now we're all headed to John's Gray Whale talk tonight in Freeland - a whale-filled day! Susan & Howie

Tuesday, April 24, 2001 14:00
Reported by: Tom McMillen
Location: Partridge Pt, Whidbey Island
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Direction: south
Comments: from Tom McMillen of San Juan Island: Susan, I left them at 2:30 West of Partridge Bank. The last time I looked back they were very slowly headed right at the Point off of the Keystone Ferry landing. They were having a great time feeding on Salmon this afternoon and it is highly possible they turned back around. They also appeared to be bunching up as we left and could have taken a nap. Will let you know if i hear any more. Tom

Tuesday, April 24, 2001 12:00
Reported by: Tom McMillen
Location: west side of Whidbey Island
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Direction: south
Comments: Report just in from Tom McMillen of Salish Sea Charters: At 2:20 p.m. (24 April) J Pod is just west of Partridge Bank, feeding and slowly moving toward the Keystone ferry landing on Whidbey Island. Bob Weimer OrcaCam.com

Monday, April 23, 2001 14:00
Reported by: Kelley Balcomb-Bartok
Location: west side of San Juan Island
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Direction: south
Comments: Hi Susan, J-pod snuck up on us from the north at 1345 today... I heard echolocation clicks nearly 30 minutes before I saw first whales passing southbound of the Center's porch. It took exactly one hour for every individual pass, and I managed to positively identify 12 and can be certain of only 18 of 20, but there were excellent calls recorded of J-17 and her two kids. Also nice strong echolocation clicks throughout the nearly one hour of the pass-by, and good calls from J-17 and her two kids fairly close to shore. Didn't see J-1, but haze reduced visibilty for anything more than two miles out, mid Haro Strait. The encounter ended at 1545, with whales spread out down the coast from Eagle Point to Lime-Kiln. Bye for now, Kelley

Monday, April 23, 2001 14:00
Reported by: Ron Bates, MMRG
Location: Race Rocks, BC
Species: Dolphin
Pod: Pod N/A
Members: 200 + White-sided dolphins
Comments: Hi 200+ Pacific White-Sided Dolphins 2 miles S. of Race Rocks, feeding. I was on scene at 1435. Race Rocks had 15 Stellers, 39 Cal. and 10 Elephant seals. Ron Bates MMRG Victoria, BC

Monday, April 23, 2001 12:00
Reported by: Deborah Houseworth
Location: southwest Whidbey Island
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Members: several gray whales
Comments: Here's a report from Deborah Houseworth of Whidbey, about gray whale activity off the SW side of Whidbey Island:
Hi Susan! I did not want to bore the network with daily emails, but I did want to at least notify you that over the past few days there have been several grays putting in a daily appearance just south of the mouth to Cultus Bay as they proceed on a liesurely path from Possession Point, northwest past Scatchet Heaad, and then onward toward Double Bluff. They appear to be feeding as they go, judging from the way in which they roll onto their sides and move their fins about. Though I would like to think they are waving at me, I know better! Deborah

Monday, April 23, 2001 06:00
Reported by: Jim Anderst
Location: Coupeville, Whidbey Island
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Comments: Jim Anderst of Coupeville called in two grays feeding at Snakelum Pt. this morning, April 23rd, 6 - 7 a.m.

Sunday, April 22, 2001 18:00
Reported by: Carol Byng
Location: Coupeville, Whidbey Island
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Comments: More Earth Day Whale News... Carol Byng of Coupeville just called in a sighting of a gray whale feeding off Snakelum Pt (near the entrance to Penn Cove, east side of Whidbey Island), 5:45 pm April 22nd... Susan Berta

Sunday, April 22, 2001 14:00
Reported by: Kelley Balcomb-Bartok
Location: San Juan Island
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Members: J pod
Direction: south
Comments: We just talked to Kelley Balcomb Bartok, & J pod was in front of the Center for Whale Research (west side of San Juan Isl.) traveling south at 2:30 pm, Sunday April 22nd - Happy Earth Day! Susan

Sunday, April 22, 2001 07:00
Reported by: Fran Abel
Location: Saratoga Passage
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Comments: Here's a report from Langley, Whidbey Island, Sunday morning: Didn't see, but heard a whale(s) this morning at about 7:00 in Saratoga Passage. Fran Abel

Saturday, April 21, 2001 10:00
Reported by: Mike Bennett, Mosquito Fleet
Location: Deception Island
Species: Minke
Pod: Pod N/A
Comments: Good morning - Mike Bennett of the Mosquito Fleet just phoned in a Minke whale, west of Deception Island, 10:30 a.m. April 21st. It's a perfect day for seeing whales - call in some orca & gray whale sightings, & let's make it a 3 species day!

Saturday, April 21, 2001 09:00
Reported by: Jean Van Leuven, Western Prince
Location: west side of San Juan Island
Species: Orca
Pod: K Pod
Members: J & K pods
Direction: south, then north
Comments: Hello Susan, I understand J and K pod spent the day out our way. They were first reported off Monarch Head around 9 am came down the west side of San Juan Island and at some point turned around. By 3 pm they were going north past Andrews Bay and it was choppy. Jean Van Leuven Western Prince San Juan Island

Saturday, April 21, 2001 09:00
Reported by: Jean Van Leuven, Western Prince
Location: west side of San Juan Island
Species: Orca
Pod: K Pod
Members: J & K pods
Direction: south, then north
Comments: Hello Susan, I understand J and K pod spent the day out our way. They were first reported off Monarch Head around 9 am came down the west side of San Juan Island and at some point turned around. By 3 pm they were going north past Andrews Bay and it was choppy. Jean Van Leuven Western Prince San Juan Island

Saturday, April 21, 2001 08:00
Reported by: Diane Light
Location: Possession Pt, Whidbey Island
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Members: 2 grays
Direction: south
Comments: Yippee - we finally got another gray whale sighting, from Diane Light of Whidbey Island: saw spouts of 2 grays going south off possession beach (SW tip of Whidbey Island) at 8:30ish am (April 21st) Diane Light

Friday, April 20, 2001 14:00
Reported by: Tom McMillen
Location: San Juan Island
Species: Orca
Pod: K Pod
Members: J1, J17
Comments: Tom McMillen just sent in this great account of what J pod had for lunch: Susan, Any word on the odd Orcas in South Sound yesterday? J Pod as you know cruised the West Side today. Ruffles came up by my boat with a nice Salmon in his mouth. J 17 and the two kids also were scoring good on salmon. Tom As for the mysterious orcas reported off Shilshole yesterday, we have received no other word on them, & our Seattle connections didn't catch sight of them....we'll let you know if we hear anything more - Susan

Friday, April 20, 2001 14:00
Reported by: Kelley Balcomb-Bartok
Location: San Juan Island
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Direction: south
Comments: Hi Susan, Jpod southbound along west side of San Juan Island today: Passing the Center for Whale Research in small loose groups starting at noon, and spread out along the west side of SJI from Hannah Heights to Lime Kiln Light house at 1400 hrs... Kelley Balcomb Bartok, Orca Conservancy

Friday, April 20, 2001 08:00
Reported by: Rowann, The Whale Museum
Location: San Juan Channel
Species: Orca
Pod: Pod N/A
Direction: southwest
Comments: We just got a call from a tourist on our hotline that orcas were seen in San Juan Channel this morning (20th) at 8:00 heading SW. We don't have any other sightings so they may be heading your way. I will keep you posted. Rowann The Whale Museum

Thursday, April 19, 2001 15:00
Reported by: Tom McMillen
Location: San Juan Island
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Direction: False Bay, to San Juan Channel at 1 pm Friday Harbor at 3 pm
Comments: Susan, Js fished most of the morning in the False bay area then went into San Juan Channel about 1:00 and took a nap in Griffin Bay so must be fairly content. They came up and cruised by Friday Harbor about 3:00. I'm really curious who is by Shilshole. If not Transients I don't know who it could be but K or L Pod an all of J Pod was present here. Tom McMillen

Thursday, April 19, 2001 12:00
Reported by: Kerry McNulty
Location: San Juan Island
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Direction: south & north
Comments: Hey Susan- I took off for the west side of the island after receiving your report and found J-pod around Hannah Heights. They reversed direction and started heading south. I followed them to False Bay and then down to Eagle Cove, raced ahead to South Beach and grabbed a great vantage point up along the cliffs. The pod seemed to settle around Eagle Cove (12:00) and then reversed direction again heading back up north again. Thanks for the updates and please keep them coming. Kerry McNulty, San Juan Island

Thursday, April 19, 2001 11:00
Reported by: Marilyn Dalheim
Location: Shilshole Bay, Seattle
Species: Orca
Pod: Pod N/A
Direction: north
Comments: Marilyn Dalheim of NMFS just forwarded a call she got reporting orcas northbound around Shilshole, n. of Seattle, late this morning. We've got Mark Sears on it, hopefully he can find them & figure out who it is, since J pod is in the San Juans right now..... Susan

Thursday, April 19, 2001 09:00
Reported by: Tom McMillen
Location: San Juan Island
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Direction: north
Comments: Hi Susan Report from Tom McMillen on J-
Pod: 9:20 April 19 - J Pod is at Salmon Bank and heading north slowly along the west side of San Juan Island. If they continue, this may be another chance to see them on the live cam (www.orcacam.com) over the next few hours. Captain Tom McMillen, Salish Sea Charters

Wednesday, April 18, 2001 17:00
Reported by: Tom McMillen
Location: Fraser River mouth, BC
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Comments: Susan, Vancouver Whale Watch left Js by the mouth of the Fraser River at 4:30 this afternoon (April 18). Bet we see them in the morning. Tom

Wednesday, April 18, 2001 16:00
Reported by:
Location: Fraser River mouth, BC
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Comments: Hi Susan (April 18) In case anyone is trying to keep a "plot" Rich's whales of 0100 were seen at 0730 N.E. of Active Pass about 2 miles going towards the Fraser River where Tom has them at 1630 hrs. As a matter of interest Race Rocks S. of Victoria set a record today with a total of 14 El. Seals. Ron MMRG

Wednesday, April 18, 2001 07:00
Reported by:
Location: Active Pass
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Direction: toward Fraser River
Comments: Hi Susan (April 18) In case anyone is trying to keep a "plot" Rich's whales of 0100 were seen at 0730 N.E. of Active Pass about 2 miles going towards the Fraser River where Tom has them at 1630 hrs. As a matter of interest Race Rocks S. of Victoria set a record today with a total of 14 El. Seals. Ron MMRG

Wednesday, April 18, 2001 01:00
Reported by: Rowann, The Whale Museum
Location: San Juan Island
Species: Orca
Pod: Pod N/A
Direction: south
Comments: Hi Susan, Forgive me for the late notification. Rich heard orca blows last night (April 17) from our home on Andrews Bay (west side of San Juan Island) at 1:00 am. They were going south and were not vocalizing. That's my only recent "hearing". No other sightings today. Rowann

Tuesday, April 17, 2001 13:00
Reported by: Bob Weimer
Location: San Juan Island
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Direction: north
Comments: Hi Susan - Second report from Capt. Tom McMillen - 1:00pm J Pod is off Sunset Point moving slowly north. May be visible on the live cam located at the Center for Whale Research: (http://www.orcacam.com/cwrcam.html). Bob Weimer, OrcaCam

Tuesday, April 17, 2001 11:00
Reported by: Bob Weimer
Location: San Juan Island
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Direction: north
Comments: Hi - Captain Tom McMillen of Salish Sea Charters just called to report orcas off Eagle Point, west side of San Juan Island at 11:15 am headed north, April 17th. Bob Weimer OrcaCam

Monday, April 16, 2001 17:00
Reported by: Rich Osborne, The Whale Museum
Location: Edmonds
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Direction: north
Comments: Most recent sighting has J pod off the oil docks at Edmonds at 16:45, still heading north. They might make it your way by sunset so keep a look out! Rich Osborne

Monday, April 16, 2001 13:00
Reported by: Bob Weimer
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Comments: Hi Susan - Second report from Capt. Tom McMillen - 1:00pm J Pod is off Sunset Point moving slowly north. May be visible on the live cam located at the Center for Whale Research: (http://www.orcacam.com/cwrcam.html). Bob Weimer, OrcaCam

Monday, April 16, 2001 13:00
Reported by: Bob Weimer
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Comments: Hi Susan - Second report from Capt. Tom McMillen - 1:00pm J Pod is off Sunset Point moving slowly north. May be visible on the live cam located at the Center for Whale Research: (http://www.orcacam.com/cwrcam.html). Bob Weimer, OrcaCam

Monday, April 16, 2001 07:00
Reported by: Rich Osborne, Mark Sears
Location: Seattle
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Members: All of J-pod
Direction: south at 7:30,Alki Pt, north at Brace Pt. & Three Tree Pt, 9 am
Comments: Hi Susan: Thanks for your sighting yesterday. Today, Monday 4/16/01 Mark and Louise Sears spent the early morning with J-Pod while they were resting in nice tight groups- and Mark believes all whales were accounted for. He had them going south at 07:30 or so off Alkai, then they turned around at Brace Point and continued North (Three-Tree Point at about 09:00). Richard W. Osborne, Ph.D. The Whale Museum

Sunday, April 15, 2001 19:00
Reported by: Bill Atwater
Location: Partridge Pt, Whidbey Island
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Members: 10+ members of J-pod
Direction: south
Comments: Just came home from Easter dinner to a message that a pod of 10+ orcas passed Partridge Pt, west Whidbey Island at 7 p.m. tonight (April 15), called in by Bill Atwater. We had stopped by the west side on the way home to look for fins, but apparently were about an hour too late!

Sunday, April 15, 2001 17:00
Reported by: Kay Swanson
Location: Possession Sound
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Comments: Susan, Two grey whales in the middle of Possion Sound went past Clinton (south Whidbey Island) at 5:20 PM. (Sun. 15th) Kay Swanson

Sunday, April 15, 2001 15:00
Reported by: Melissa Duffey
Location: Deception Pass, Whidbey Island
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Members: 1 mature male, 2 calves, + females/young males
Direction: south
Comments: Hi Susan- At 3:30pm today Judy, Catherine, Lynn, and I saw about 7 Orcas from Rosario Beach, Deception Pass. What a wonderful Easter present. One was male, two others looked like young Orcas, and then some females. The male came close to shore. They headed south, and one breached sideways, turning to show its underside (just having seen the film on all the different positions whales jump, I can't remember what this jump is called ! There were about 3 a little further north, and about 4 around a boat that headed south. Also, just beyond the tidepools, were 2 harbor seals, one stuck its neck way up out of the water ! A heron sat at the tidepools edge for over 1/2 hour. It was quite the day !

Sunday, April 15, 2001 14:00
Reported by: Ron Bates, MMRG
Location: Victoria, B.C., Canada
Species: Orca
Pod: Transient
Members: T-14
Direction: north east
Comments: Hi T14 (transient) off Victoria all afternoon, slowly going N.E. from Race Rocks. Happy Easter Ron MMRG

Sunday, April 15, 2001 11:00
Reported by: Louise Salmin
Location: Saratoga Passage
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Members: 2 - 3 grays
Comments: Good Morning and Happy Easter Susan, Well, the Easter Whales are having breakfast just east of Baby Island this morning. I am seeing 2 maybe 3 grays. This is in the Saratoga Passage, east Whidbey Island. Louise Salmin

Saturday, April 14, 2001 19:00
Reported by: Clyde Miner
Location: west side of Whidbey Island
Species: Orca
Pod: Pod N/A
Direction: north
Comments: Orca (1) sighting at about 6:50 p.m. today, Sunlight Beach, off west Whidbey Island. Not moving fast but direction was northerly. Clyde Miner

Saturday, April 14, 2001 19:00
Reported by: Jim Maya
Location: west side of San Juan Island
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Direction: northwest
Comments: Left part of Jpod going NW at Pile Pt (west side of San Juan Island) at 1900 today (14th). Jim Maya

Saturday, April 14, 2001 15:00
Reported by: Ron Bates, MMRG
Location: Rosario Strait, near BC border
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Direction: south
Comments: Hi Jpod in Rosario Strait going S. off Thatcher Pass (near Canadian border) at 1528hrs today (14th). Ron Bates MMRG

Saturday, April 14, 2001 15:00
Reported by: Tom McMillen
Location: Cypress Island, San Juans
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Direction: south
Comments: Hi Susan - Captain Tom McMillen of Salish Sea Charters just reported that J Pod was sighted at 2:55 pm (Sat. 14th) near Cypress Island headed south.

Saturday, April 14, 2001 12:00
Reported by: Janice Otero
Location: Saratoga Passage
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Comments: one grey whale in Langley today and two yesterday between there and Camano toward marina. Boats were really harrassing them. How close are they legally supposed to come? Janice Otero (Boats aren't to approach marine mammals closer than 100 yards, unless it's the whales approaching the boats...)

Saturday, April 14, 2001 11:00
Reported by: Mike Bennett, Mosquito Fleet
Location: Between Mukilteo/Clinton
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Direction: south

Friday, April 13, 2001 18:00
Reported by: Kay Swanson
Location: Langley, Whidbey Island
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Members: 4 grays
Direction: north
Comments: Susan, I was out in my kayak this evening and saw some spouting and the flukes several times. First by sandy point then about 250 yards north of Langley. I never did get very close as they were moving in a northerly direction. I would guess that they were Grey whales and that there were four of them. This was at 6 PM today. Kay Swanson

Friday, April 13, 2001 17:00
Reported by: Louise Salmin
Location: Saratoga Passage
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A

Friday, April 13, 2001 13:00
Reported by: Louise Salmin
Location: Saratoga Passage
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Direction: south
Comments: Aloha Susan, Two grays just went by Fox Spit (east Whidbey, Holmes Hbr. area) headed south around 1:00 pm. Louise

Friday, April 13, 2001 12:00
Reported by: Janice
Location: Saratoga Passage
Species: Orca
Pod: Pod N/A

Friday, April 13, 2001 12:00
Reported by: Ron Bates, MMRG
Location: Victoria, B.C., Canada
Species: Orca
Pod: Transient
Members: T-61
Direction: southwest, west-southwest
Comments: Hi Was with T61 most of the afternoon of the 13th, first had him off Victoria at 1230hrs Going S.W. He made a kill at Race Rocks at 1410 hrs. He was off Otter Pt. going WSW at 1600 hrs about 4 miles from shore. Ron Bates, MMRG

Friday, April 13, 2001 08:00
Reported by: Ron Bates, MMRG
Location: B.C. - Canadian Gulf Islands
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Members: 8 members, including J-1 & a baby
Direction: north
Comments: Sounds like Jpod was in Swanson Ch. about half way up North Pender Island going N at 0805 (April 13) 8+ animals seen including a male and a very small one. Ron MMRG

Thursday, April 12, 2001 19:00
Reported by: Kelley Balcomb-Bartok
Location: west side of San Juan Island
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Members: J-37 identified, + other J pod members
Comments: Hi Guys, Dave Ellifrit returned yesterday (Center for Whale Research), and this evening Jpod came by the Center just before sunset to welcome him back! Dave saw the calf J-37 along with many others, although against the evening light, and rough seas, it was tough!!! Kelley

Thursday, April 12, 2001 16:00
Reported by: Jim Maya
Location: Canadian Gulf Islands
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Direction: southwest
Comments: Jim Maya of San Juan Island just called in the latest report on J pod, part of whom were seen at 4 pm today, April 12th, off East Pt, Saturna Island, BC, headed SW toward Turn Pt. on Stuart Island, San Juans.

Thursday, April 12, 2001 11:00
Reported by: Howard Garrett
Location: Saratoga Passage
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Direction: north
Comments: Howard Garrett saw one gray whale in Saratoga Passage at 11:15 a.m, off North Bluff, east Whidbey Island. It was mid-channel & heading north -

Wednesday, April 11, 2001 09:00
Reported by: Susan Berta
Location: Saratoga Passage
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Direction: south
Comments: Looked out to see 3 gray whales spouting off Elger Bay, Camano Island at 9:30 this morning (April 11), headed south. It's easy to spot those spouts on a sunny spring day like this!

Tuesday, April 10, 2001 17:00
Reported by: Brian Lowey
Location: Saratoga Passage
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Direction: north
Comments: 5:00 p.m. One solitary gray, dining in the shallows off Langley, moving slowly toward Baby Island.

Tuesday, April 10, 2001 07:00
Reported by: Frances Wood
Location: Saratoga Passage
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Comments: I live on the bluff between Langley and Clinton and enjoy the gray whales. The beach right in front of my house seems to be a favorite feeding area. This morning at about 7:30 am I observed a single gray well off shore between Whidbey and Hat Islands. It was meandering south taking shallow dives. Once I saw the tail lift as it went deeper and then passed beyond my view.

Monday, April 09, 2001 15:00
Reported by: Don Harrison
Location: Canadian Gulf Islands
Species: Orca
Pod: Pod N/A
Members: 20 + orcas, 1 large male
Direction: north
Comments: Hi Susan, Don Harrison here from North Pender Island in the Gulf Islands. Our last orca siting was on April 9 ~1500-1600 hrs as we observed a pod of about 20+?? "whales" moving in a northerly direction between Salt Spring and Portland Islands. We were on land at Beaver Point on Salt Spring and watched them pass approximately 200-300 m off shore. They seemed to stop and hang around a couple of recreational vessels that had motored to the area to observe (48deg. 46.3min N, 123deg. 21.7min. N), then the pod continued northerly in the direction of Active Pass. The pod was too far off to distinguish anything significant about their markings, but there seemed to be one prominent, large dorsal fin in the group. They were surfacing in regular fashion, but off Beaver Point a few made surging motions as they surfaced, which we suspected may have been feeding. North of the 2 boats, we observed a couple of breeches? (whales leaping ~3/4 out of the water). Hope this helps.

Monday, April 09, 2001 12:00
Reported by: Rowann, The Whale Museum
Location: San Juan Island
Species: Orca
Pod: Pod N/A
Direction: headed north slowly
Comments: Hi Susan, We have J-pod on the west side of San Juan today (April 9). The latest sighting is 11:30 at Sunset Point heading north slowly. Rowann The Whale Museum

Sunday, April 08, 2001 17:00
Reported by: Rowann, The Whale Museum
Location: San Juan Island
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Direction: south
Comments: We also had J-pod April 8 at Lime Kiln at 17:20 heading south.

Sunday, April 08, 2001 16:00
Reported by: Ron Bates, MMRG
Location: Canadian Gulf Islands
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Direction: north
Comments: Hi Jpod deviated from their "usual" routine today by leaving Haro St at the top end and entered Prevost Passage, then Moresby Ch. and on into Swanson Ch. Last report was still North bound off Beaver Pt. Saltspring Is. 1620 hrs. Ron MMRG

Sunday, April 08, 2001 15:00
Reported by: Ron Bates, MMRG
Location: Victoria, B.C, Canada
Species: Orca
Pod: Transient
Members: T-12's
Comments: Hi 4 transients T12's about 5 miles S. of Victoria at 1453hrs April 08 Ron MMRG

Sunday, April 08, 2001 12:00
Reported by: David Freed
Location: Langley, Whidbey Island
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Direction: north
Comments: Yesterday (April 8) midday saw two grays a couple of hundred yards off Langley Marina. They then headed north; I lost sight of them north about near Bells Beach, but way over towards Camano side.

Saturday, April 07, 2001 19:00
Reported by: Jim Maya
Location: Henry Island
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Comments: Sat. evening @ dusk, Js in Open Bay right off of Henry Island (west of San Juan Island), feeding with success. They circled the island during the day.

Saturday, April 07, 2001 17:00
Reported by: Louise Salmin
Location: Saratoga Passage
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Direction: south
Comments: Aloha Susan, The grays you saw must have stopped by here, around 5 pm there were 2 about 20 -50 feet off the shore of the beach at Fox Spit. My neighbor and I went down to the point at Fox Spit and one was just south of there, about 60 feet offshore. We sat and watched it feeding on its side for about half an hour, before it headed south towards Langley. It was a delightful whale-watching experience!! I don't think I have ever been so close to a gray whale before. Louise Salmin

Saturday, April 07, 2001 16:00
Reported by: Susan Berta
Location: Saratoga Passage
Species: Dall's Porpoise
Pod: Pod N/A
Direction: south
Comments: At 4 pm I saw a small pod of Dall's porpoise off north Bluff, Saratoga Passage, heading south.

Saturday, April 07, 2001 15:00
Reported by: Susan Berta
Location: Saratoga Passage
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Direction: south
Comments: 3:30 p.m: I just saw two gray whales in Saratoga Passage, from North Bluff, Greenbank, mid-channel & moving south. I could see two more grays feeding further south, off Fox Spit heading NE toward Camano. At 4 pm I saw a small pod of Dall's porpoise off north Bluff, Saratoga Passage, heading south. The whales looked like they were diving & feeding - lots of spouts & flukes - what a beautiful day to watch whales!

Saturday, April 07, 2001 15:00
Reported by: Albert Shepherd, The Whale Museum
Location: San Juan Channel
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Direction: north
Comments: Observation at 1530 Hi Rowann and Susan, I just paddled out to Turn Island in San Juan Channel (just south of Friday Harbor) and saw J-Pod headed North. The group was in a tight formation, traveling slowly north. Albert Shepard, Curator

Saturday, April 07, 2001 12:00
Reported by: Kim Hallahan
Location: Oak Harbor, Whidbey Island
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Comments: Susan, I'm no whale expert, so I'm sorry I can't be more sure of what I am reporting. I just saw at least two, and possibly four, whales that I think must be gray whales, apparently feeding in the eelgrass beds off my community beach. I live in Polnell Shores; the whales were in Crescent Harbor between 12:00 and 1:15 pm. Some people who were watching with me said they heard that someone had seen the whales across the water, closer to Camano Island, yesterday. I couldn't believe how close to shore they were! At one point, I think one had its lateral fin sticking out of the water for a solid 20 seconds...I imagine it was on its side, gobbling away. Kim

Saturday, April 07, 2001 11:00
Reported by: Ron Bates, MMRG
Location: San Juan Island
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Direction: south
Comments: Hi Susan Jpod off Andrews Bay, San Juan Is. going S. at 1045hrs Ron MMRG

Saturday, April 07, 2001 11:00
Reported by: Mike Bennett, Mosquito Fleet
Location: Saratoga Passage
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Comments: Mike Bennett of Mosquito Fleet just called this sighting in from their morning tour: 2 adult Gray whales between Clinton & Hat Island, feeding off the west side of Hat Island, at 11 am Sat. morning.

Saturday, April 07, 2001 11:00
Reported by: Deborah Houseworth
Location: Cultus Bay, Whidbey Island
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Comments: Hi Susan! Three whales a-spouting, loitering near Cultus Bay this (Saturday) morning. We are heading toward low tide, so I guess it is shallow enough for them to feed. Our binoculars are not strong enough to be certain, but we think they are grays. Have a whale-filled day! Deborah Houseworth

Friday, April 06, 2001 23:00
Reported by: Susan Berta
Location: Saratoga Passage
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Direction: south
Comments: 11:30 p.m. - I've been listening to spouts in Saratoga Passage, off North Bluff, Greenbank (north of entrance to Holmes Hbr). Sounded like 2 grays traveling south, either down the passage or into Holmes Harbor. At midnight, it sounded like there were more whales present, but they were too far off to discern...

Friday, April 06, 2001 13:00
Reported by: Kelley Balcomb-Bartok
Location: San Juan Island
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Members: J8, J37 + others - all seem to be accounted for
Direction: south
Comments: Hi Susan, J-pod came south along the west side just after lunch (1300), and I managed to get good recordings on the hydrophones as well as identify nearly all the animals, particularly J-8!!!!!! I'm confident it was her, and I'm also confident baby J-37 was also alive and well, and there was lots of foraging too. There were the right number of whales too, to make me feel pretty sure that J-pod was all present and accounted for. By 4pm the whales had traveled south to Eagle Point and I lost them heading into the rain squalls, so they may be on their way south, or they may have "moved in" (one can hope). Kelley

Friday, April 06, 2001 11:00
Reported by: Barb Jensen
Location: San Juan Channel
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Members: Could see J1 and also a baby. Looked like the right number for J Pod
Direction: north
Comments: Hi Susan, I called the Whale Museum yesterday (Friday), about 10:30 am with J Pod traveling north in San Juan Channel. They were traveling close together in a resting pattern. Could see J1 and also a baby. Looked like the right number for J Pod ( at least from my spotting scope at about a mile away). Sounds like Kelly picked them up later in the day after a good snooze. Barb Jensen

Friday, April 06, 2001 11:00
Reported by: Louise Salmin
Location: Saratoga Passage
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Comments: Aloha Susan, Its about 10:40 am Saturday, and there is a gray whale spouting out in the Saratoga Passage between Fox Spit and Camano Island in fact it looks like 2, i think they are facing North. Louise Salmin

Friday, April 06, 2001 09:00
Reported by: Brian Lowey
Location: Saratoga Passage
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Direction: southeast
Comments: Two grays chowing down off Langley right now (8:45 a.m.): heading slowly to the SE. Brian Lowey

Friday, April 06, 2001 09:00
Reported by: Bob Weimer
Location: San Juan Island
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Direction: north
Comments: Hi Susan - 8:45 am -I just received a phone call from Captain Tom McMillen of Salish Sea Charters stating that J pod was just passing Friday Harbor heading north. Bob Weimer

Friday, April 06, 2001 03:00
Reported by: Louise Salmin
Location: Saratoga Passage
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Comments: Friday morning about 2:45 am i heard a gray right off the beach here by Fox Spit, it sounded very close

Thursday, April 05, 2001 08:00
Reported by: Rowann, The Whale Museum
Location: San Juan Channel
Species: Orca
Pod: J Pod
Direction: north
Comments: Hi Susan, J-pod is in San Juan Channel today. 8:30 Point Caution, resting moving north very slowly. Rowann The Whale Museum

Wednesday, April 04, 2001 17:00
Reported by: Fran Abel
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Comments: I saw a gray(s) this morning at about 7:00 and now, again, at 5:00 this evening (Wednesday) -- Saratoga Road (3 miles from Langley). Fran Abel

Wednesday, April 04, 2001 17:00
Reported by: Fran Abel
Location: Saratoga Passage
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Comments: I saw a gray(s) this morning at about 7:00 and now, again, at 5:00 this evening (Wednesday) -- Saratoga Road (3 miles from Langley). Fran Abel

Wednesday, April 04, 2001 15:00
Reported by: Deborah Houseworth
Location: Cultus Bay, Whidbey Island
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Comments: And now, at 4PM, I am seeing at least three hanging out just south of the mouth of Cultus Bay, about 1/4 of the distance between there and the Edmonds ferry crossing. It is hard to be precise, since they are so far out. They do not appear to be headed anywhere in particular. rather, they seem to be remaining in the same spot for quite some time (a good half hour now). The pickings must be really good out there! By the way, they are so far out that I cannot positively ID them as grays, but I am certain they are not orcas. Thanks for keeping us all up to date! Deborah Houseworth

Wednesday, April 04, 2001 12:00
Reported by:
Location: Clinton/Mukilteo Ferry
Species: Orca
Pod: Pod N/A
Comments: Maureen Belle just called in a sighting of 4, possibly 5 gray whales from the Clinton/Mukilteo Ferry at noon, today, Weds. April 4th.

Wednesday, April 04, 2001 10:00
Reported by: Deborah Houseworth
Location: Langley, Whidbey Island
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Direction: south
Comments: Hi Susan! It's been a whale filled day. First I had the pleasure of seeing two of the grays reported by others, as they headed south, past my office in Langley this AM at about 10:30.

Wednesday, April 04, 2001 10:00
Reported by: Ron Bates, MMRG
Location: San Juan Island
Species: Dolphin
Pod: Pod N/A
Comments: At 0923hrs 150+ Pacific White-Sided Dolphins feeding in southerly direction (at 48 30.598 123 13.373) some did bow ride and a number surfed the wake of the vessel. RonMMRG

Wednesday, April 04, 2001 09:00
Reported by: Susan Berta
Location: Saratoga Passage
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Direction: south?
Comments: Heard some blows from our deck this morning at 9:30, & saw a gray right off our bluff. Saw 2 blows in the same place, then it dove & fluked & I haven't been able to follow it, as it's too close in & the trees block the view, but I think it MAY be heading south... Susan

Wednesday, April 04, 2001 07:00
Reported by: Louise Salmin
Location: Saratoga Passage
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Direction: south
Comments: Good Morning Susan! It is just after 7 am Wednesday morning, and about half an hour ago, I was awakened by the sound of steam through pipes. As I lie in bed I realized I was hearing a gray whale feeding right below off the beach at Fox Spit!!!! I called my neighbor and we drove down to the beach in time to see 2 grays headed south towards Langley at a leisurely, breakfast pace. What a nice way to wake up. Louise Salmin

Tuesday, April 03, 2001 09:00
Reported by: Ron Bates, MMRG
Location: San Juan Island
Species: Orca
Pod: Transient
Members: T-14
Direction: south
Comments: Hi Enroute to Roche Harbor (San Juan Island) this morning at 0915hrs (48 128.805, 123 14.396) a transient male going south, looked like T14.

Tuesday, April 03, 2001 07:00
Reported by: Fran Abel
Location: Saratoga Passage
Species: Gray Whale
Pod: Pod N/A
Comments: Hi Susan, I saw a gray(s) this morning at about 7:00 and now, again, at 5:00 this evening (Wednesday) -- Saratoga Road (3 miles from Langley). Fran Abel

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