0.000000 131.879814 Jerry on PSEMP/MMWG and SRKW TF 193.311010 484.122907 Ken Balcomb update on SRKW+ 667.681378 869.642252 Steve Jeffries update on cull and harbor seal surveys 881.747163 1378.685593 Pete Schoeder general update 1386.330800 1687.042260 John Calambokidis update 1696.363147 1820.767032 Aileen Jeffries on harbor porpoise 1825.178517 1921.054798 Jonathan Scordino re Makah research 1955.773196 2108.537375 Cindy Elliser 2130.122761 2283.997925 Susan Berta 2314.060938 2549.818258 Howard Garrett 2555.356182 2629.722584 Cindy Hansen 2638.425036 2836.208022 Val Veirs 2843.328210 2989.687619 Scott Veirs 3011.048182 3107.566279 Frances Robertson 3133.673633 3339.367939 Election of new Chair 3357.563974 5832.224697 Discussion of member-suggested topics 3390.000383 4842.439521 Harbor seal trends as an indicator of Puget Sound health 4844.575577 5751.529238 Culling of pinnipeds 5770.516405 5829.851301 Tabling of noise topic 5832.224697 7495.184045 Discussion of 2019 work plan 7495.184045 7817.098105 Group logistics & wrapup