10/01/06 Motor sailed up San Juan Channel to S Jones Island mooring buoy. Peggy and Rena surveyed creosote with Jason (20 logs, + 2 treated lumbers) 10/02/06 Ebbed out of Spieden Channel past battlship rock and then sailed drifted north. After rounding turn point, did distance experiment, assessed spreading at the same time, and then dunked CT to 100m. Drifted and motored into Prevost to the dock. Some ran; Juliette and I examined slate and sandstone beds along shore. 10/03/06 Left Prevost early (6:45 off dock) to get flushed southward with the tide. Early pages (re non-residents?) and then J and possibly parts of L came up the W side of SJI. Encountering them ~1 nm north of lighthouse, we stayed with them from 11 to about 4. Our group headed northward slowly, ulitmately passing Kellet and continuing north as the flood tide accelerated. To avoid having to fight south, we turned away and sailed in lightish winds towards Snug Harbor. Ulitmately we anchored and had a journal discussion. I failed to lure Giles aboard for dinner, but she may stop by for a quick bfast tomorrow am. Emily and worked to understand what we'd acquried during the day.