From Thu Aug 31 16:44:58 2006 Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2006 07:41:40 -0700 From: Juliette Nash To: Scott Veirs Subject: Re: Alexandra and your ideas [ Part 1.1, Text/PLAIN 57 lines. ] [ Unable to print this part. ] Scott,   Sorry about the delay in my paper, my computer isn't on the network yet (but will be this afternoon) so I didnt recieve your email til yesterday, and I'm sure you've heard how packed our day was! It was a great day though, and I'm looking forward to our journal club meeting with Bob this morning, and Especially the Center for Whale Reseach with Ken this afternoon.   Alex can be reached at: 250-949-1664. I need to try reaching her again anyways, cuz I have some more questions, but I'll let you try first. If you're able to reach her, please let me know..   I'd been thinking about my project since about a month before I came here, so 4 of my 5 q's aren't as exciting... but here they are: 1. Are there particular vocalizations that cue specific types of behavior? (ex: foraging, turning around etc) 2. Which vocalizations are heard most frequently? During what behaviors? 3. Curiosity among the whales: among which age classes is it most often observed, and what behaviors are involved? 4. The time budget of new calves - who do they spend the most time with, what behaviors, and if possible, vocalizations are associated with individuals? 5. The role of Aunties - what are the specific or non-specific duties of the other members of the pod when a calf is born. (ie: insight into why all of Corky's births ended in tragedy and grief)   Attached is my paper. Upon re-reading, that first sentence is a little rough, as are some other bits, but I suppose thats why it's a draft.. Enjoy! Looking forward to soem feedback. (I'm a constructive crit junkie, so feel free to rip it to shreds :) )   ~Juliette   On 8/28/06, Scott Veirs wrote: Hi Juliette, I hope you had a good day and enjoyed meeting Bob Francis this afternoon.  I'm eager to see your first proposal draft and your five favorite questions.  Can you send them to me tonight so I can give you some feedback this week and next? Also, can you send me Alexandra Morton's phone number again? Does she have an email address? Best regards, Scott -- Beam Reach  ( ) Marine science and sustainability school  |   206.251.5554 6537 16th Ave. NE, Seattle, WA  98115 [ Part 2, Application/MSWORD 44KB. ] [ Unable to print this part. ]