Marine Science and Sustainability School Nicole Lee

Liberty University
Clayton, North Carolina

Logbook index

Logbook entries

08.29.2005: The big picture

It's quite breath-taking the first time you see an orca whale. You really get a sense of something other than yourself. You suddenly feel like the big picture you've been dying to see is displayed right in front of your eyes; that there really is a bigger picture of the world than most people see. I wish more people could experience what I am. Perhaps the world wouldn't be just a playground for our species anymore. One can only wish.

I love it here. I love the whales, I love the water, I love learning, I love being challenged, I love my new friends, I love the deer, I love the sticky slugs, I love rowing to town and getting lost trying to get to the west side of the island; I just love it all.

I'm excited to see what's to come and I'll update as often as I can!


oh san juan islands how i love you so.

so today was yet another splendid day. we took microscopes down to to the dock and looked at various types of phyto and zoo plankton. i even saw a microscopic jelly fish. i was partial to that little guy... anywhoo, i wish i could document everything that has happened this past week, but i think it shall be forever engrained in my memory bank. okay okay, so i'm just rather lazy. well, let's see...we rowed to town yesterday and went grocery shopping. then we had an afternoon lesson on the food chain. then we went and collected some little creatures in the nets. it's such fun stuff.

i finally "snatched" one of the bikes from under one of the dorms. now i know what you're thinking. "some poor college kid is bikeless now"...see, even i ran that through my head quite a few times. anyway, if i get a knock on my door asking for it back i will smile, and kindly say no hablo ingles.

i can't wait to get on the boat...i wish my proposal was more promising...but, we'll see right? whales...geez you have to love them. i can't wait to see them interacting with one another ...and just be able to learn more about them.

i'm learning so much here...everyone here is teaching me so much. i'm like a sponge... with a.d.d. haha... it's hard to stay on task because i'm used to doing more than one thing at once. i guess you can't do that in a class of only 6 people... haha. anyway, sarcastically speaking... lots of math... my favorite. oh god how i love it. seriously, i hope we have like 10 more hours of it.

so there is this over hanging cliff that i like to sit on and draw/carve..whatever...ha, anyway...i saw river otters there on monday. about 5 or so.. i thought it was so awesome. this place is so beautiful, all i need is my guitar...if only shipping it were an option....but i just got a new hard case that i'm in love with back in april and to lose that would be to lose my soul..haha....sigh. for now, i'll just rely on good ol' damien rice and jeff buckley cover songs. speaking of which, his song "hallelujah" is playing right now... i think it fits just right for this evening..

cheers! and dulce de lecha (only the best chocolate/milky/sugary concoction my taste buds have ever tasted)

and now the real fun begins...time to listen to whale calls over and over and over.



hi mom. i miss you putting "a-saurus" on the end of everything ;) hi dad. i miss playing the guitar with you :) hi jake. woof. :o)
