a drift Northward just west of Pile Point about halfway up to the lighthouse (ending off driftwood point). Left ear/channel = thick cord Right ear/channel = thin cord Start location: 48 29.105 123 7.360 End location: 48 29.653 123 7.723 Synchronization: GPS=13:34:00 when Nicole's watch=13:33:05 Marantz start/stop times (from Courtney and Nicole data sheets): Start: 16:08:27 Stop: 16:42:18 Radio contamination is common in one (R) channel Files 1-8 have a lot of flow/tap/adjustment noise Files 9-11 are mostly stereo Files 12-37 are mostly mono (R channel only; sadly it was the one w/radio) 37 L channel back about 2/3 of the way through; nice calls, clicks 38 Stereo from here on; one nice call with echo; otherwise pretty quiet 39 Nice echo and echolocations; quiet save sloshing and radio in R channel 40 Annoying radio; nice buzz trains and calls 41 clicks; faint calls and echos 42 croaks/calls, buzz, calls w/echos, squawk, buzzes 43 louder calls, buzzes, nice l-r click trains, increasing vocals; 44 Pretty bad radio; S10 at very end 45 loud S10, S1, super loud buzzes + squawky S10?s 46 ** Squawky S10?s, rising buzzes, squeakies; high pitch rising call (S13?) + loud S05 at end; nice echos; best implication of a conversation between close and distant groups (individuals?) 47 *** [rising call + S05]:3, tick tocks, many rising call/whistles; some radio 48 suddenly much fainter (gain decreased?); loud buzzes; S05 faint x2; closer rising calls; croak 49 distant S05s, S10; rising calls; squawky S10s; rising honks; distant rising buzzes 50 buzzes (close and far), S05, rising squawks