Change over at Roche Harbor
Sunday, September 16, 2007
After breakfast, we began preparing for our weekly change-over. We pumped out our holding tank, topped up our water tank, cleaned the Gato Verde, and the students packed up their things. Pulling up the dock at Roche Harbor, we met the land team, who were bringing aboard their weekly grocery supply. Dr. Jim Ha from the University of Washington spoke to the entire BeamReach group about his graduate student, Jennifer Marsh’s thesis work on surface behaviors of southern residents, experimental design for behavioral studies, and using personal digital assistants (PDA’s) to collect behavioral data. After the talks, the students huddled by the heat lamps as they discussed boat and data logistics for the upcoming week. Jason’s group climbed onboard the Gato Verde and Liz prepared artichoke, spinach and mushroom casserole for dinner.