Beam Reach transits Port Townsend to home

After a fantastic overview of recent research and very current concerns expressed by the commercial whale-watcher industry, Scott and I parted company with the brand new Beam Reach students and their lead instructor, Jason. They took a very rocky ferry ride from Port Townsend across to Whidbey Island. We watched the little white ferry bobbing in the midst of a sea of angry whitecaps and waves.

A few hours later, Scott and I started north on Cat’s Cradle, our 32′ catamaran. With sails reefed and motor running fast and smooth we fought away from Port Townsend with 30 kt winds, 3-6′ waves and an adverse tide. The boat did well and we braved white knuckles and arrived 16 miles north on Lopez Island about an hour after dark. The last miles were done carefully with radar and GPS.

Beam Reach 2009 – Spring Program – BEGINS!


  1. laura081

    April 11th, 2009 at 15:12

    those are some big waves val!

  2. celia

    May 10th, 2009 at 20:46

    How exciting! I am reading some blogs right now, naturally while I should be working on something else. This class’ projects look great!

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