Week 6

Back on land! We got back two days early due to the propulsion system on the boat. The Generator, and electric engine weren’t working, so we hooked up the dinghy to the back and used the little outboard on that along with some help from the Buzzard to get back to the labs. Not the ideal way to travel, but it worked. One good thing about having to come back early is that I finally got to see the movie “Little Miss Sunshine” as it finally made it to the theatre on island! I highly recommend it to everyone, its hysterical!

So now, the Gato Verde is safely at the dock, we are back in the cabins, sleeping in our own beds, showered and wearing clean clothes. We have switched from living on the boat to living on land. This week had been dedicated to improving our projects, giving progress presentations and finalizing our proposals. As usual we had a numerous guest lecturers come which is always great. This time four of them along with the four instructors sat on the panel as we all gave our presentations. I think mine went well and so did everyone else’s. The rest of the week we worked on proposals and I along with others tried to figure out Ishmael. We have been calling and emailing the author and others who know the program really well asking for help and explaining our situation. They are all super busy but have been very nice and given us some of their time and helped us out! I am confident, while it doesn’t work perfectly, we will be able to make some progress. Any progress is a step in the right direction. While it is really frustrating now, someone has to do it. Once it gets figured out, not only will it be really important in analyzing acoustics, it will be really cool to know that I helped, even just a little.

To get away from science, we again watched Greys Anatomy as I now have season 2 on DVD and its free to watch the new episodes on the internet AND as a little (and very much appreciated) end of the week present Scott brought “Life Aquatic” up with him, which we are well overdue to watch!


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