Bathymetry and Jones Island picnic

On land at FHL to Jones Island, North Bay

We loaded the boat on Sunday at noon when the Gato Verde arrived. We departed the Labs after talking with a guest expert: Gary Greene, a marine geologist from the non-profit Tombolo and Moss Landing. Scott had also joined us for some time, fiddling with computers and metadata, though he left us for the night to fullfill his Mother’s day duties. We embarked around 1630 with decent winds and headed for the North Bay of Jones Island.  A beautiful place to spend the night, especially since we were tied up to a dock and were free to roam the small island — a State park. We took advantage of the land opportunity by taking our dinner out to the picnic tables on the beach and finished the night by huddling around a computer to watch a couple episodes of Planet Earth: Iceworld and Caves.

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