Aleck Bay to Snug Harbor

Departing this morning around 9:30 am, we left Aleck Bay and headed up Haro Strait along the west side of San Juan Island. We took advantage of the slack tide to head up the strait and around noon used the changing tide push up as it flooded. It was a great sailing day! We reached 10 knots at one point and focused the day on perfecting our line and sail handling. Once anchored, we engaged in collecting recordings to calibrate our hydrophones. After a great dinner of Jason’s rosemary delight potatoes and Comrade Spengler’s (and assistance LH) delicious salad of mixed greens and cranberries, dressed oh so gently with a balsamic vinaigrette, we analyzed the data files from the newest version of the O’VAL software. We noticed that the Marantz files had large low-frequency excursions that made measuring the rms of the recorded call impossible. Let’s look into this the next time we put the Blue Box hydrophone into the water. The Sound Devices files (perhaps because the signal had been high pass filtered at 240 Hz) looked great!!! Good work == LED watchers!

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