Searching the sea on Earth Day

Port Townsend to Snug Harbor
After giving our regards to the mating river otters of Port Townsend, we motor sailed northwards practicing at the helm and sighting two puffins as we passed False Bay. Before entering Snug Harbor we tried out the YSI probe and the plankton net, devising a protocol for monitoring basic physical and biological oceanographic conditions where the southern residents focus their summertime attention. Finally, we tested out the Splashcam video camera while beginning our Earth Day project: searching for our mooring ball which was sunk by growth last winter. The camera wasn’t very useful unless it was resting on the bottom, but we’re hopeful that we can locate the old ball and replace it with our new (more buoyant) one so that we can minimize our impact on the Harbor, a place that we know is swept nearly bare of eel grass by anchor chains.

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