Ready to Set Sail

Hello, everyone!

I am finally sitting down after a long stint of packing — I had no idea I could be so inefficient at packing a single bag!  We’ve all been busy buying groceries, doing laundry, and tidying up in preparation for our afternoon departure tomorrow.  I am unbelievably excited to re-immerse myself in boat life (time to re-learn how to tie a bowline and start thinking about what someone means when they say “pass the jib!”).  There have been reports of several large groups of transients in the area, so it is possible that we will have some orca sightings during our first leg on the Gato Verde.  Other than scrambling with last-minute logistical preparations, we have not done much besides refining our research methods (and having a much-needed impromptu dance party in our spacious duplex).  On Friday, we took a dip in the ocean as part of Beam Reach’s “cold plunge” experience.  I had been dreading this initiation process, but it turned out to be much more enjoyable than I expected — I might even do it again!  To see pictures of us freezing our buns off, click here.

Not much else to report — more to come once we’ve gotten settled into our new home.  I can’t wait to brush my teeth under the stars…


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