Prevost Harbor to Snug Harbor

We awoke to white caps out in Boundary Pass and discussed navigation and weather forecasts. Emerging from Prevost Harbor we ran under jib alone around Turn Point lighthouse, enjoying our first views of Mt. Baker on the eastern horizon. The wind moderated in the lee of Stuart Island and we bore for Roche Harbor with a plan to pump out the sewage tank. Around noon we entered Roche, having noticed an unusual aluminum boat crossing Spieden Channel with us, pumped out and bought some lamp oil. Scott met the Al boat owners who had built it themselves and invited them to visit Gato Verde once we reached Snug. Around 1:15 we transited Mosquito Pass, anchored in Snug Harbor, and began our Earth Day project: creating and deploying an anchoring system that would do less damage to the bottom than spinning on our normal big anchor. About the time we were done, Bob and Helen Oliver (the owners of the Wharram Designs aluminum boat “Sanderling”) joined us for dinner on board and we all indulged in grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup.

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