island hopping

I have finally made it to the third corner of the country, to another island. I have bounced from Mount Desert Island to Lido Key and now to San Juan Island, so I now consider myself an official island hopper. I like it.

It’s been only a week since I’ve been here, but I already love it. I can’t wait to explore more of the island and what the lab has to offer- rocky coasts are for me. It’s also quite odd how this place reminds me so much of Maine yets fascinates me with its new things at the very same time. The town is laid back, friendly, and kept unlocked just like bar harbor, there are small mountain “hills”, farms, and the lighthouse, and the labs are very much like the COA campus, from the dining hall, the trails, the dock, the library porch, the rope swing and hidden benches, the random labs you can get lost in looking at all the cool things, to the overall “camp” like feeling – and everyone seems to love being here.

But I even love the differences more- the Olympic mountains off in the horizon, the giant bull kelp along shore, the row boats (I LOVE the roat boats), the blooming cherry trees, the river otters and blacked tailed deer roaming all over the lab campus, and the fact that everyone runs to the west side when they hear the orca calls on the radio- something I already got to experience. I also know this is a place I’ll love when I see all the marine biology dorks get together and get excited about seaweed and marine slugs – I want to know all the species of everything on this island!!

It’s also refreshing to get back into class mode since last fall- even though I am scratching my head over all the math and physics of acoustics – I feel I really am going to learn something out of all this, and be able to use it in the future- at the moment now it comes down to deciding on what question to research for my project- I’ve got it narrowed down pretty well at the moment, but more reading to do first.

And thinking that it would be at least a month until I saw orcas, lo and behold we saw J pod on April Fool’s day! (no joke). We just happened to check out the streamlining hydrophones on the website due to Dominique’s insistence 🙂 and after hearing them we went as quick as we could to the West side and Lime Kiln- Val told me, why don’t you check out by that boat in your binoculars- and sure enough I spotted my first Orca! we saw a good number of J pod individuals about 1/2 a mile away- this is only the beginning too!

here’s a picture of our first sighting- kind of far away but I was just excited!! and we could listen to them too while we heard them

Our first sighting

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