Thursday, September 6, 2007
Today, we got an early start and raised the anchor before 8 a.m. Motoring down the west coast of San Juan Island, we spotted Ruffles with two females. This was a rare opportunity as the Gato Verde was the only boat in the vicinity, so we got to enjoy the killer whales on our own. Unfortunately, once we deployed the hydrophone array, we realized that the three killer whales were silent and not vocalizing. The orcas headed southwest and we followed in the same direction, trailing the hydrophone. We met up with the rest of J pod, as well as members of K and L pod in between Vancouver island and San Juan Island. Kenna took ID photos, while Wessal, Elise, and Heather gathered data on calls, time, latitude, longitude, bearing, and behaviors. We observed spyhopping, tail slapping, and breaching. We headed back to Roche Harbor to enjoy stuffed mushrooms and corn for dinner.