Localization experiment
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
The first thing we had to do today was head to Roche Harbor to pump out our holding tank, or black water, which was at full. On our way out of Roche, Liz, Wessal, Heather, and Scott calibrated our holding tank and sewage system by pouring a 5 gallon bucket into the heads onboard and noting the centimeters on the holding tank. We did a lot of sailing today—deploying the screecher and jib, and tacking back and forth. In the afternoon, Jason and Kenna boarded the dinghy (Gatito) and motored a distance away for a localization experiment. After being certain no marine mammals were within sight, they played a recording of a hammer and then killer whale calls with an underwater speaker, while the rest of the group listened the sounds and collected data with the hydrophone array. After making 3 passes to test the accuracy of our localization algorithms, Mike headed the Gato Verde back to Snug harbor in the cold fog where Wessal and Liz prepared a delicious veggie curry.