Archive for September 3rd, 2007

Killer whales and harbor popoises

Monday, September 3, 2007

We woke up in Snug Harbor for the second group’s first full day on the Gato Verde. We motored through thick fog, heading south along the coast. Elise and Heather took up watch on the bow and pointed out logs and kelp.Off Kanaka Bay, we deployed a hydrophone to make this group’s first recording of killer whale calls. We tested out a possible gunkhole anchorage at Kanaka Bay, but mostly dredged up mud and kelp. Shannon spotted a mother harbor seal with a pup swimming in the bay and a number of seals were just outside the bay as we headed back up the coast of San Juan Island. On our way to Roche Harbor, we deployed a high frequency hydrophone to attempt to record vocalizations of harbor porpoises.

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