Thoughts on the plane… (different, luckily, from snakes)

So here I am. Flying hundreds of miles an hour towards my new life, figuratively and litterally. We took off through a haze which broke upon the backs of clouds like ice fields into a streak of orange dawn. We raced time and won by an hour, the city of Chicago, shrouded in mist and smog, rose like a castle through gray clouds. We shot back into the sky through a mornign as dark as the dawn I’d left behind and sailed on the wind across to the west guiding the way for the sun to follow. I passed over dry earth cracked and splintered by mountains splattered with snow, and over checkerboard and polka dot fields. The mist above the mountains was opalescent blue and the aura gave the scene a calming power. roads racing through the mountains echoed a topography map – though none seemed to lead to the cities nestled in the valleys…

It is a curious thing, taking these steps. Feeling so ready as I move into the unknown. I know I must exceed the greatest of my expectations.

100 miles out from Seattle two mountains spyhopped above the clouds, showing thier white sides and black edging. Welcome to your new home, welcome to Washington.


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