First Days

I just got here to Friday Harbor and it is beautiful. I hope all would be able to have the experience I am about to embark but realize they cannot, so I am to describe what I learn and feel and hope I do it justice. This has been my first access to the internet so I will keep it short. I saw my first wild orca today through binoculars. They were so far away and I can’t wait to get a safe closer look.

I would like to quote our presidente Scott Viers who wrote in his blog:

“How much does an ecosystem have to change before we alter our values to restore it? To answer the question, one really has to do two difficult things: understand the ecosystem well enough to determine which human actions are driving the change; and discern what changes in human behavior will benefit the ecosystem at least cost”

I hope to get more than just the tip of the iceberg to those two difficult things and even more to do it in ten weeks.

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